If you are not yet (fully) awake and wonder what the creator of this and other websites of the ARK Foundation, since 1980 through many projects in Zutphen andsince 1999, also on the Internet tries to convey to the public, the video documentary below might give you the answers. It summarizes in a clear way what the underlying vision and motivation of my work is.
Briefly, it has always been my goal to stimulate spiritual development, by developing our consciousness, Not only have I tried to do this in a general sense I have always stressed what, to my deepest conviction is the true path, namely the Path of Love.
Although there are many roads that lead to Rome, there is only one road or path that leads us to God's Kingdom, and that Path is shown by all true teachers of mankind.
We ask your help.
Without support it becomes increasingly difficult to continue our work. Sinds1992 I organised my life's work under the Ark Foundation in Zutphen. This has developed into a universal message and vision, which in many ways has been expressed through our Internet projects.
Since 1999, I have funded and accomplished this work almost entirely alone. There's more than 20,000 hours of online work involved sofar, to give you an idea of the volume of the work. This work is not paid for. That in itself is no problem, but what is a problem is that the remaining costs can hardly be borne by the foundation and that I no longer am able to provide sufficient funds.
Kanker is vanuit Holistisch, Spiritueel en Natuurgeneeskundig oogpunt een ziekte die ontstaat als gevolg van het ernstig uit balans raken van de gezonde levensprocessen. Dit kan veroorzaakt zijn door een disbalans of disharmonie in één of meerdere van de 4 lagere lichamen van de mens, te weten het identiteitslichaam of het etherische lichaam (vuur), het mentale lichaam ( lucht), het emotionele lichaam ( water) en tenslotte het fysieke lichaam ( aarde).
Ascended Master Gautama Buddha through Kim Michaels, January 1st, 2020
I am the Ascended Master Gautama Buddha. It is always my joy to give this address at the New Year. I would like to begin by talking about the year that has ended, 2019. When you look at this past year, what stands out from an ascended master perspective is the five conferences that were held during this year, in which so many loving and open hearts participated and gave their invocations and decrees, gave their love and allowed us to use their chakras as broadcasting stations to radiate our messages into the collective consciousness.
Truly, this has been an important shift for the planet because we have addressed some very important issues at all of these conferences. Naturally, we have primarily focused on the issues of dictatorships, fanaticism and elitism, because they are important here at the beginning of a new cycle, that starts in this year of 2020 and will go for the next decade. It is important that humankind begins to acknowledge and realize some of the many ideas we have released in these dictations, about these topics of dictatorships, fanaticism and elitism.
Truly, the decade ahead will be marked by the question of whether mankind at large will begin to free themselves from the influence of the small power elite, primarily made up of fallen beings. This does not mean that in the next ten years people at large will recognize the existence of fallen beings. But they will, if all goes to the highest potential, certainly begin to recognize the influence that elite's have had throughout history. They will begin to see that in every society, there has been a small elite that has dominated the population and that the population has allowed this to happen.
TOPICS: The problem of idolatry - Where idolatry came from - Idolatry, dictatorships and elitism - The thoughtform for 2019 - The greatest force of anti-freedom - Looking at 2018 - Overcoming idolatry - The fear of seeing your name in print - A civilized Internet - Looking at 2019 -
Ascended Master Gautama Buddha, January 01, 2019, through Kim Michaels
I AM the Ascended Master Gautama Buddha, and I am Free. I am free because I have walked the path that you are all walking, of overcoming what I called “the attachments,” but which we might as well call the internal spirits, the separate selves.
The problem of idolatry
Naturally, when you look at the religion of Buddhism, the structure that has sprung up based on my teachings, you can see the same pattern to a large degree as you see in Christianity. Most Buddhists fail to see me as an example and instead have built this sandcastle of idolatry, of how special I was, starting with the conditions around my birth and going all the way up to my teachings and my entering nirvana.
What is the purpose of idolatry? The purpose of idolatry is always to project that one person is special compared to the majority. What then, is the purpose of doing this? It is to give the majority an excuse for not coming up higher in consciousness. There is absolutely no other, no genuine, purpose for idolatry, and this goes as well for the major world religions as it goes for ascended master teachings. We have seen in previous dispensations, how in every organization there was built a certain idolatry of the messenger or the messengers. They were somehow special. They had been trained for so long. They were born in certain circumstances. They had some ability that made them special compared to the students that were following them or their teachings.
In zijn nieuwe bijdrage gaat hij dieper in op deze materie, die helaas nog niet door de Zutphense Politiek is opgepakt..
Al een tijdje, een jaar of tien, roep ik al dat het past binnen de doelstelling van de gemeente Zutphen, om in het kader van de herinrichting van industriegebied “de Mars” in te gaan zetten op schone energie. Met name waterstof. Het is een relatief nieuw onderzoeksgebied met veel renovaties in de nabije toekomst. Onderzoek en kennisvergaring is de mogelijke motor van een door Zutphen zo gewenste schone economie. Veel mogelijkheden voor banen en een aanzuigende werking op beleggers en hoogopgeleiden. Tot aan de dag van vandaag heb ik nog maar weinig mensen mee kunnen krijgen in mijn gedachtegang. Jammer, kostbare tijd gaat verloren. Economische kansen voor Zutphen verdwijnen naar andere landen.
Deze bijdrage is al een tijd geleden, op de oude InMarkt website (2005) gepubliceerd, maar in 2023 actueler dan ooit!
Nu na mijn 45+ jaar lange strijd als klassiek homeopaat en natuurgeneeskundig therapeut, tegen het vaccinatiebeleid, is het gelukkig eindelijk allemaal duidelijk geworden, vaccinatieprogramma's zoals we die nu kennen zijn een misdaad tegen de mensheid! Het is mijns inziens een onderdeel van een wereldwijd beleid van overheden, big pharma en 'big brother', die ik elders in mijn werk wel aanduid als aspecten van de geest van de 'antichrist', om de mensheid van de wieg tot het graf te verzwakken en vatbaar te maken voor ernstige acute, ja soms dodelijke en op termijn ook chronische aandoeningen als onderdeel van het depopulatieprogramma van de VN. ( Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030 )
Vertrouw niet blindelings op wetenschappers, politici, de overheid en artsen die dit niet onderkennen!
Doe je eigen onderzoek, bekijk deze video's en bestudeer de 'koppelingen' onder de video's. Gebruik je gezonde verstand en intuitie! Ik waarschuw iedereen omdat ik iedereen een lang, gezond en gelukkig leven toewens.
TOPICS: – Exposure of truth in 2017 – Carrying previous events into the new year – The potential for 2018 – The thoughtform for 2018 – The initiations of peace in 2018 – Maintaining your inner peace to give true service – Being right compared to other people is not true service – The real cause of war is the consciousness of humankind – The opportunity of My Lives with Lucifer, Satan, Hitler and Jesus – The United States in 2018 - The greatest service you can give to the planet in this coming year -
Ascended Master Gautama Buddha, January 01, 2018, through Kim Michaels
I AM the Ascended Master Gautama Buddha. It is always my joy to give this New Year's address, as I have now done through several sponsored messengers. It is a joy because it gives me the opportunity to look back at the year that passed and to look forward to the year coming.
As you know, 2017 was the year of truth in the cycle that we are currently taking the planet through, these initiations that many of you have followed of the Seven Rays. I predicted last year that there would be much exposure of what was unseen, what was hidden. I must say that not all of these predictions have come to pass for a variety of reasons. First of all, because of resistance from the fallen ones who have kept their secrets. Also, there is resistance from the collective consciousness where many people simply do not want to know because they do not want to actually think about this—whatever the issue may be for them.
TOPICS: You cannot be truly happy in duality - Built into human happiness is fear for the future - Why many people felt 2016 was a difficult year - Seeing reality from the ascended perspective - The thoughtform for 2017 - What is the point of negative prophecies? - Prophecies as an excuse for postponing Christhood - How truth is sought to confirm preconceived ideas - Opening your mind and heart to receive higher truth - Fearing the future and progressive revelation - The need for more people to hold the balance in the coming years - Exposures can and will occur around the world in 2017 - Ascended master conferences in 2017 - The challenges for the next three years - Passing the initiations of 2017.
Ascended Master Gautama Buddha through Kim Michaels, December 31, 2016
I am the Ascended Master Gautama Buddha, and I come with the joy of the Buddha. Many who have followed Buddhism for many years have not locked in to the fact that the Buddha carries a Flame of Joy, a deep sense of joy that nothing on this earth can disturb.
The Buddha’s joy does not come from this earth, does not come from seeing certain results being manifested on earth, for the Buddha has no attachments to earth. Therefore, the Buddha’s joy is not really what human beings call joy, for human joy is always contrasted with the opposite of joy, whether it be sadness or depression or whatever words you may attach to it. The Buddha’s joy has no opposite, has no contrast to it.
You cannot be truly happy in duality
Some human beings would say that it is not joy, for they cannot fathom that there can be a positive feeling that is not in contrast to a negative feeling. They would think that a feeling that has no contrast has no intensity, has no validity, has no perspective, has no value to them. They are still not in the state of having had enough of what the duality consciousness offers, which is, of course, always that every feeling has an opposite.
There may be a certain intensity of joy if you have had a long period of sadness and now suddenly experience something that gives you joy. It may feel more intense on the background of the sadness. Your happiness may feel more intense on the background of unhappiness. There are many, many people who will say that the Buddha cannot be happy because he is never unhappy. If you cannot be unhappy, you cannot be happy, so they will say, those who are still attached to the duality consciousness.
TOPICS: Neither dualistic polarity is real - Making peace a priority in 2016 - How shifting experiences affect your sense of identity - Seeing beyond the normal perceptual apparatus - Seeing beyond the logic of differences - Grappling with what a mystical experience means - Teaching people who are different levels of consciousness - The goal of spiritual teachings - A higher respect of free will - Let go of the desire to be validated - Holding the balance throughout the coming year - Significant achievements in 2015 - Starting Aquarian organizations - The thoughtform for 2016 -
Ascended Master Gautama Buddha through Kim Michaels, January 1st, 2016
I AM the Ascended Master Gautama Buddha! I come with great peace on this New Year’s Eve. I come to radiate that peace to all of the people on earth who are able and willing to receive it. You may think that there are not so many ascended master students. You may think that there are not so many Buddhists who have understood the core of my teaching. But I tell you there are, indeed, many more people on earth who are ready and willing to receive the peace of the Buddha than it would appear from a superficial examination. This does not mean that these people know about ascended masters or that they are Buddhists in their outer minds. There are many, many people who have embodied so many times on this earth, and who have been exposed to so many atrocities and so much warfare and conflict, that they are ready for the peace of the Buddha.